Sabtu, 10 Desember 2011

When The Rain Was Comes

heyy everyone :)
i wanna tell something about my feel -,-
i abolutely looks liked a confusion people =.=
           when i was played a computer on PC . the rain's comes . that's the swiftest rain ever -,- . you know why ?? because , the rain's destroyed a lot of another trees -,- . Actually , that i was feared if tha' all trees will be collapsing -,- .
            it makes me scared -,- because , i'm here without anyone ( at my office ) . But Finally , i'm okay without a flaw :) The sketch of my office was abounded w/ a lot of trees . So tha' is why i'm scare .
            Actually , i shouldn't tell about it here . it's a lil disgrace where i was  panicked just because THE RAIN !! it's sound so embarrassed !! and the severity's my boss wasn't cared about it -,- that's makes me shocked more -,- 
            Hmmm how if my all friends know about it ?? they're gonna laugh -,- why ?? Because , my panic wasn't match w/ my biggest body -,- hahah ... #LOL 

Okay all it's my simple story :) thank you very much if u're read it :) God Bless You In Everyday
(~‾ ▽‾)~

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