Rabu, 04 Januari 2012

Just can LAUGH your BEHAVIOUR (˘ʃƪ˘)

Hey guys ... Today , i will tell about what's exactly happened :) hhe 

First of all , i was ever found cellphone at WARNET  -> [ warnet is the place for the people who wanna play an Internet :) ] I Taken that cellphone without a sense of doubt :) Though , I know  who's owners . and He's come back again and search his cellphone without ask with me :) So , i'm quiet without to slightest talk . This accident has happened for 2 weeks ago . So , i'm the new user of that cellphone . He's never come and He's never ask about his cellphone for 2 weeks ago . 

And Now , His friend came suddenly and asked with me , " Kak Nicko , Are you ever see a cellphone here which left behind  ? " . I answered " No , i'm never find or see cellphone here " . And his friend request to me to see my cellphone " Can i see ur cellphone " .. [ i'm speechless directly ] . I'm hide tha' cellphone always . I don't care . 

And Suddenly , He , His friends bring his Brother [ maybe , i don't know ] And , I'm think directly and take a decision that i won't tell that his cellphone's in me before the owners who ask not his friend who ask . 

OKay , it's a lil thing which happened in this afternoon :) Let's see and wait what's the next happen :)  

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