Rabu, 30 Mei 2012

Cinta Untuk Mama

Hallo guys .. I got  an old song that i did often to listen .. Yes , The title is Cinta untuk mama <3

Apa yang kuberikan untuk mama
Untuk mama tersayang
Tak kumiliki sesuatu berharga
Untuk mama tercinta

Hanya ini kunyanyikan

Senandung dari hatiku untuk mama
Hanya sebuah lagu sederhana
Lagu cintaku untuk mama

Walau tak dapat selalu ku ungkapkan

Kata cintaku 'tuk mama
Namun dengarlah hatiku berkata
Sungguh kusayang padamu mama

This song was made me cry last night. This song was really touched my heart .. I really love you mom .. Sorry for all the mistake that i ever did .. Essentially, I will never stay away from you .. Yupz of course i will always stay on your side .. I love you mom . .Thank you for the affection that you gave to your all children for 3 years without my father or your husband.. Thank you for all the sacrificial that you have sacrificed for all your children that always disappointed you .. I love you mom until my dying day :D

Senin, 28 Mei 2012


Hollaaa guys .. Nah .. Now ,, I'm back again. Now, I want to tell about many things. There are approximately 3 things. Hmm .. 

1. About My Cousins 
    It's about my cousin. His name is Gustaf Theo Papilaya. His Nickname is Theo:) He was sick a few week ago. But, Now He finally has been back to home. Doctor said that there was a blockage on his lung.that was heard so sad. And the severity was i couldn't tend him. Whereas He's my lovely cousin. He and I have a strong connection between each other. There's many causes of the disease that he was faced. First, He's heavy smokers. Hmm .. That things has sounds not strange. There's many people died because smoke. Second, His motorcycle. Why ? Because, He was always kept ride although there was a rain. Yeah. That called wind sits. etc. 

2. About My Cousin
    It's also about my cousin. Her name is Gracella Wayong. Her nickname is Sella. I felt so pity with her. So,that time, My mother , My sister, My Lil bro and I were went back to home. Suddenly, My auntie called us  and said that she would go to hospital. And my momma asked directly " Who's sick ? " . My auntie answered " Sella's at Hospital ". There's many the causes of this problem. Maybe, I couldn't say what's the problem. Because, It's too privacy. 

3. About My Sister 
    My Sister will work at Dunkin' Donnut for the foreseeable future. How happy i am. Finally, One by one  of  my sister and my brother would be working. I just can say " Good luck for you my lovely sister " . Take care yourself. Maybe, I can oversee you if you stay at home. But, How can i oversee you if you stay at your office?. Importantly, You can take care yourself. You're the surrogate from our father where i must  keep yourself. But, Now, you've 17 years old. I hope you can keep yourself alone.  

 Okayy ... I think it's enough. I can write another thing next day. And I'm getting sleepy by the way. So , I prefer choose going to sleep. Bye bye all :D See you next time :) 

Minggu, 27 Mei 2012

The Childishness

Holla guys. Now, I want to talk about my fucking cousin. Yupz as the title she's childish. Why i say childish? Because, She didn't act mature. I was so friendly with her. But, We're getting stay away since my brother had a problem with her brother. She shouldn't follow her brother to stay away from us. But, The fact? She stays away. Okay. No problem. She has forgotten about my mother's kindness where when she was sick. My momma was gotta busy. My momma was even forgot about us. But, She did absolutely ingratitude. There's many thing that she updated on her twitter @NTFiola. That's such insult my family. REMEMBER ! Your family won't be a happiness family if your brother didn't apologize to your father of anything that he has done. How brave he is. He has hitted his father even punched his father. That was described that he was the rebellious child. Essentially, I won't forgive them until FOREVER !! 

How childish she is ..

How childish she is ..

How childish she is ..

How childish she is ..

Lady Gaga concert has been officially canceled

Holla guys. Now, I want to talk Lady Gaga. Her concert has been officially canceled today. I do absolutely agree with this cancellation. I know her song and i enjoy  her song. But, I don't like a satanic. There's many my friends who said that her satanic wouldn't bring a big contagion for us. Because Lady Gaga would only concert for 2 hours. My Friend Said " Someday Indonesia would be so regret because Indonesian has been ignored Lady Gaga's arrival. She's exotic and brave to make something different" . Yeah i know that she's so brave to make something different. So, Why? Must i follow her to brave to make something different. Maybe, She wouldn't bring a contagion for 2 hours. But, How about the future? Surely, We don't know about future. But, Are we wrong if we're guard before the thing that we don't expect's happen. But, It's okay. I won't force all of you to follow me to dislike Lady Gaga. I just said my opinion. Thank you

Yours Sincerely 

Nickolas Garcia Pattiwael van Westerloo

Sabtu, 19 Mei 2012


Today i want to tell about my school. I was felt so happy. I could associate with my friend. They're actually funny , as it is , and exactly not a type of person that always spend a lot money. And My teacher wasn't brought the present for me that she has be promised. She text-ed me before she arrived at my school. She said " I'm sorry nicko. I stayed at Pulo Gebang last night. And I forgot to bring your present. Your present's left on my house. But I promise i will bring the present next time. " Hahaha. She was looked as she so guilty. Actually, I was so happy. Because She assume as a smart student there. I was actually liked when she was gave a different question to me. I had a different question from others. I though i could answer the question. You know what the question? There's written above the paper that i must translate this Indonesian Question into English Question. Hahaha I thought i would translate it easily. But, the fact? There's many words that i couldn't translate into English. How LOL i am. That was embarassed me seriously. 

The first subject that i did was a translation an Indonesian Question into English Question. I wasn't got the best score. Whereas, That was really easy. But Why was there still wrong? How stupid i am :(... The second subject was about a placement of the words. It talk about " Is , Am , Are ". How easy that was. And i could answer the question well. I was the first student that complete the task. :).... The third subject was about number. It talk about spelling of number. For example: 100 --> One Hundred. Is that easy? :) That's the last subject. And we got some homework. My teacher said that we must write in the paper about Irregular Verb and Regular Verb. Each forty five. And we also must write the Verb 1 , Verb 2 , Verb 3 and Meaning :D. So total of the task are ninety. 


Minggu, 06 Mei 2012


Hollaaaa guys. Tonight, I do want to talk about something. I was sent my application letter and curriculum vitae in four offices. Although, I will be Office Boy or Staff. I will accept and will not ignore. I do really need some job now. I wanna be free from this boredom where i just sleep, wake up, breakfast, online, lunch, online, dinner, stayed up late, and sleep again. How bore that is. Although, I know that There's actually written in that job advertisements that a minimum of age is 18. Hahaha. I don't 18 years old yet. But, I don't care because i've tried importantly. So, I will accept the result although i want if that office will allow me to work in their office. I hope that so. 

The plan of thursday is My cousin and her friend and I do want to go to PRJ. We will put our CV in 2 times. I don't why a staff of PRJ don't call me yet. That's why i want to put again. I will put as much as possible and I will also put in all position. Hopefully, I will get the one of them. 

I hope that God will make it easy my all plan. And He does also want to interfere in this things. I'm not smart by the way. But, at least i'm hardworking. 

Okayy.. Actually, This story's just an essense of the real story. Thank you if you read this. See you next timeeee :D:*


Rabu, 02 Mei 2012

Morning ( Thursday , May 3th 2012 )

Holaaaaa guys. I was woke up and GOOD MORNING for everyone :). I should love this morning. But, I don't. Why? Because, I won't breakfast. My mother does hides all food from dining table. So that i can't breakfast. I know that all my family have a good purpose for me. But, It's too fast for me to do this. I think you guys have understood what i mean. It means that i'm diet proccessing. Huh :( .I know that it's a good thing for me. Why?. Because, There's many office which not allow me to work just because my big body. I'm fat but i'm also reasonable to work. Now, I eat in 2 times daily. And my mother has made a schedul when will i lunch and when will i dinner. It sounds torture me. But, I take a positive thing. Maybe, I'll get some job easily if i'm success of this diet program. For example: I got an advertisment in Television that MNC TV's searching a person who have a talent. I was actually interested. But, I think i won't follow that event when i was opened the website and saw the requirements that there's wrote that contestant must have a professional body. And there's wrote a size of clothes and t-shirt and there's no my size definitely. It describes that although i have a good talent, I won't success if i still have a big body. I must minimize this body. Huh. It's so hard :( But, i will always try to be thin. I hope God does helps me in this diet program. 

Okayyy It's a little thing which staying on my mind now. Give me some tips to be thin. Comment if you have :) Bye bye guysss ... Good morning and have a nice day :)

Priceless Moment

Holaaaaa guys. I'm back. Nah, I'm trying to share my little happiness now. I was went to school. Actually, I was so lazy to come. Because There's nothing to do. The first reason that's why i don't wanna come to school is " I WAS LATE ". And I was forgot when will i drop when i was took public transportation. So, I was text-ed my teacher and asked " Have learning and teaching progressed? " and she replied " Not yet. The Teacher was came recently. Who's this by the way? " I was thought directly that she doesn't know who i am. I was replied directly and said " I'm Nickolas. I thought i'll come late. Because, I got traffic jam and i was also went late from my house. And when i was arrived. I was went to class directly. And say to my english teacher and my all friend " Good Afternoon " :). And directly my teacher asked " Why weren't you came to school last week? ". And i answered " I'm sick " nervously. That's a right reason but bad grammar. Where i should say " I was sick " not " I'm sick ". Okay, Learning and teaching were progressed. There was many question that i can answer. And my teacher was gave an opportunity for us to made question for my teacher in 3 minutes as much as possible. And she was said that the first person who made question will get a gift from her. But, That gift's for my momma. And She was told me to stand in the front of class. She said that i must ask the question to her.

It's 9 questions which i asked to her: 

1.What's the moment that you can't forget?
2.How many your children do you have?
3.How can i have a fluent english? 
4.When can i use " Could " and " Would " ? 
5.Have you ever become a judge of English Competition?
6.What's a beautiful gift that you ever gave to your student?
7.Have you ever watched cinema with your lovely children and your lovely husband? 
8.What's your opinion about us ( Pelita Bangsa's Student )? 
9.What's the hardest thing which you faced when you teach in the front of class? 

All question above's the question that i asked to my teacher. And the severity is i must translate my discuss with her to my all friend. When i asked to her, I must translate what's the meaning of my question to my friend previously. And when my teacher answered. I must also do the same thing. And It's a priceless pride for me where i was started to be Guide. Hahaha . After discussion's over. She was shook my hands directly. And she was said " Thank you for the question Nickolas. You have a good english. And it's your time to improve your english become more perfect. " And gladly , i answered " You're welcome. It's a priceless moment for me where i can show my english to many people. And I also thank you for the opportunity which you gave to me. So , i can show my english. Doesn't mean i'm arrogant. I just wanna make all of you aware that all of you can also have a good english. I'm not master of english by the way. But, at least i do understand and i brave to say. Although, There's many mistake. " Okay. After that the learning and teaching was over. We're back to home. And i met with my friend in Public Transportation accidentally. 

That's an accident which happened when i was school-ed. And Honestly, It's a priceless day for me where i got an opportunity to be momentarily translator. 

Thank you if you read this entry. Okay, bye bye all. See you next time when i will get a priceless moment too.