Rabu, 02 Mei 2012

Priceless Moment

Holaaaaa guys. I'm back. Nah, I'm trying to share my little happiness now. I was went to school. Actually, I was so lazy to come. Because There's nothing to do. The first reason that's why i don't wanna come to school is " I WAS LATE ". And I was forgot when will i drop when i was took public transportation. So, I was text-ed my teacher and asked " Have learning and teaching progressed? " and she replied " Not yet. The Teacher was came recently. Who's this by the way? " I was thought directly that she doesn't know who i am. I was replied directly and said " I'm Nickolas. I thought i'll come late. Because, I got traffic jam and i was also went late from my house. And when i was arrived. I was went to class directly. And say to my english teacher and my all friend " Good Afternoon " :). And directly my teacher asked " Why weren't you came to school last week? ". And i answered " I'm sick " nervously. That's a right reason but bad grammar. Where i should say " I was sick " not " I'm sick ". Okay, Learning and teaching were progressed. There was many question that i can answer. And my teacher was gave an opportunity for us to made question for my teacher in 3 minutes as much as possible. And she was said that the first person who made question will get a gift from her. But, That gift's for my momma. And She was told me to stand in the front of class. She said that i must ask the question to her.

It's 9 questions which i asked to her: 

1.What's the moment that you can't forget?
2.How many your children do you have?
3.How can i have a fluent english? 
4.When can i use " Could " and " Would " ? 
5.Have you ever become a judge of English Competition?
6.What's a beautiful gift that you ever gave to your student?
7.Have you ever watched cinema with your lovely children and your lovely husband? 
8.What's your opinion about us ( Pelita Bangsa's Student )? 
9.What's the hardest thing which you faced when you teach in the front of class? 

All question above's the question that i asked to my teacher. And the severity is i must translate my discuss with her to my all friend. When i asked to her, I must translate what's the meaning of my question to my friend previously. And when my teacher answered. I must also do the same thing. And It's a priceless pride for me where i was started to be Guide. Hahaha . After discussion's over. She was shook my hands directly. And she was said " Thank you for the question Nickolas. You have a good english. And it's your time to improve your english become more perfect. " And gladly , i answered " You're welcome. It's a priceless moment for me where i can show my english to many people. And I also thank you for the opportunity which you gave to me. So , i can show my english. Doesn't mean i'm arrogant. I just wanna make all of you aware that all of you can also have a good english. I'm not master of english by the way. But, at least i do understand and i brave to say. Although, There's many mistake. " Okay. After that the learning and teaching was over. We're back to home. And i met with my friend in Public Transportation accidentally. 

That's an accident which happened when i was school-ed. And Honestly, It's a priceless day for me where i got an opportunity to be momentarily translator. 

Thank you if you read this entry. Okay, bye bye all. See you next time when i will get a priceless moment too. 



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