Minggu, 22 Januari 2012

Kejadian di Hari Kamis ( 18 Januari 2012 )

Hey para blogger :) cukup menyenangkan buat gua :) hhe . Jauh jauh dari Jakarta dan bertemu dengan teman-teman SMK gw tersayang ;) huaaaa # (i really miss you all :* ) . Jadi beberapa hari sebelumnya gw teleponan dengan mereka :) Rencananya seh tadinya mau dateng tanggal 24 . Tapi ternyata ada perubahan . hehe . 

Pertama-tamanya seh sebenernya gw ada janji sama mantan Wali Kelas gw dulu waktu gw masih kelas 10 . Karena ada suatu hal yang ingin gw bicarakan . Tadinya seh gua mau sekolah lagi . Tapi gak jadi . Kenapa tidak jadi ? Karena , waktu gw lagi di kereta mau menuju ke arah Tanah Abang ( Transit ) . Nyokap gw nelpon dan bilang bahwa Nyokap udah dapet tempat untuk Paket C . Sebenernya seh gua gak mau Paket C . Cuman mau bagaimana lagi ? Memang seh , Jika kita melakukan satu hal dengan paksaan maka hasilnya " NIHIL " . Dan akhir nya gw , nyokap gw , kakak sepupu gw , dan tante gw janjian di ITC ! dan anehnya , Padahal kalau dipikir-pikir rumah mereka lebih dekat ke ITC dari pada rumah gw di Jakarta . Tapi kenapa gw harus nunggu di ITC ? Yah ada kemungkinan setengah jam lah gw nunggu nyokap gw , sepupu gw dan tante gw . Dengan tampang gw yang bete ! Dan gw muter-muter sendiri di dalam ITC sambil nungguin mereka . Dan sampai gw duduk di depan Lobby . Merekapun gak muncul-muncul . Ya ampun !! And Who's the first comes ? Yeahh MY MOMMA . dan tidak lama kemudian , tante gw dan kakak sepupu gw pun datang . Dan kita langsung menyebrang dan naik angkot untuk datang ketempat Paket C tersebut . Setelah sudah di pertengahan jalan . Gw tanya sama nyokap gw " Ma , udah pernah kesekolahnya lom ? " dan nyokap gw jawab " BELOM " . Dan pada saat gw sampe disana gw nyari-nyari tempatnya . and Finally , i found that :) yeahh . Dan gw mengisi formulir . dan tanpa gw sadari sudah jam Pkl 16:00 WIB . Gw lupa kalau gw udah ada janji sama temen-temen SMK gw . Eh Pake ke ITC segala lagi . Makan dulu dan SHOPPING.Sempat membosankan seh . Dan tiba-tiba teman gw yang bernama RHAKA LESMANA sms gw dan nanya " Nick , lo dimana ? " Gw alesan aja masih di stasiun Depok lagi nunggu kereta  . Padahal seh gw nyampe stasiun ajj belom . #Hehe . Tepat Pkl 16:30 WIB kita belom pulang . Dan akhirnya sekitar Pkl 16:45 WIB . Gw pergi ke Bogor :) Heheh

Dan gw pun turun di stasiun Cilebut . gw naik angkot 07 . dan pada saat gw sampe disana . Temen-temen gw lagi sholat . Gantian nunggu deh gua . Hehehe . Yah gw bertemu mereka nggak nyampe se-jam langsung pulang . Hahaha . Yah , kita sempat melakukan hal gila di jalan raya . Dan kita bertemu dengan anak Alumni . Gw sempet bingung siapa ye dia ? haha .. dan sekarang ajj gw lupa lagi namanya . heheh .. Dan gw pulang . 


Jumat, 13 Januari 2012

Personal introductions and Outporing of My Heart

Hey all :) Now , i wanna introduce about my self :) My full name is Nickolas Garcia Pattiwael van Westerloo :) I'm the Netherlands descent :) I'm 16 years old but already 17 years old in this year [ September ] . You can call me Nick , Nicko , Nickolas , etc . I'm not handsome , cool , etc . I'm an ordinary people . I'm fat . But , i have more excess . Especially , in Music fields . My hobby are singing , drawing , and designing a gown or dress :) 

I hope that i can make that all hobby become my dream :) Actually and Honestly , i wanna as Singer , Painter , and Designer :) yeah , i'm so interest with that all things :) But , i'm more interest as singer :) Why ? because i got a talent's material more in Vocal than as painter and designer :)  

and Now , i followed my church's choir :) i'm as Tenor there :) Although , i can't read musical notes yet :) but , i learned a lot there :) Yeah , the coach is my auntie :)  Me and my friends was made a decision that we're agreed if we'll get a new coach by the way  . The new coach is Woman  [ why woman ? Because Michelle's the name . So , i think the new coach is Woman ] . She's professional coach . She's been a conductor in all of Jakarta's church . That's which made me speechless . I'm so scare . Why ? I'm scare if she will tell me to stand up in the front because i'm wrong to sing !! Shitt !! 

Although , that doesn't happen yet . But , i believe if that thing will be happening in January 26th .. Huh ..  

Okay , it's a shortest entry today . See you next time guys :)  

Jumat, 06 Januari 2012

10 Unique And Amazing Place on Earth

1. Guaíra Falls (Brazil-Paraguay border)
Located on the Parana river the Guaíra Falls were, in terms of total volume, the largest waterfall on earth. 1,750,000 cubic feet of water fell over this waterfall each second on average, compared to just 70,000 cubic feet per second for Niagra Falls. However, the falls were flooded in 1982 when a dam was created to take advantage of this massive flow rate. The Itaipu Dam is now the second most powerful hydroelectric dam in the world, after the Three Gorges Dam. The Itaipu Dam supplies 90% of the power consumed by Paraguay, and 19% of the power consumed by Brazil, including Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo.

2.Iceberg B-15 (Antarctica)
Iceberg B-15 was the largest ever recorded iceberg. It had an area of 3,100 km², making it larger than the island of Jamaica, and was created when part of the Ross Ice Shelf broke off in March 2000. In 2003, it broke apart, and one of the larger pieces (called B-15a) drifted north, eventually smashing into a glacier in 2005, breaking off an 8-km² section and forcing many antarctic maps to be rewritten. It drifted along the coast and eventually ran aground, breaking up once again. In 2006, a storm in Alaska (that’s right, Alaska) caused an ocean swell that travelled 13,500km, over 6 days, to Antarctica and broke up the largest remaining part even more. Almost a decade on, parts of the iceberg have still not melted, with the largest remaining part, still called B-15a, having an area of 1,700 km². The picture above shows B-15a (top left) in 2005, after drifting west into the Drygalski Glacier (bottom), breaking the end off into several pieces.

3.Don Juan Pond ( Antarctica ) 
With a salinity of over 40%, Don Juan Pond is the saltiest body of water in the world. It is named after the two pilots who first investigated the pond in 1961, Lt Don Roe and Lt John Hickey. It is a small lake, only 100m by 300m, and on average 0.1m deep, but it is so salty that even in the Antarctic, where the temperature at the pond regularly drops to as low as -30 degrees Celsius, it never freezes. It is 18 times saltier than sea water, compared to the Dead Sea which is only 8 times saltier than sea water.

4.Rotarua (New Zealand)

Rotorua is a city on the southern shores of the lake of the same name, in the Bay of Plenty region of the North Island of New Zealand. The city is known for its geothermal activity, with a number of geysers, notably the Pohutu Geyser at Whakarewarewa, and boiling mud pools (pictured above) located in the city. This thermal activity owes itself to the Rotorua caldera on which the city lies. Rotorua is also a top adventure destination and is New Zealand’s Maori cultural heartland. Rotorua city is renowned for its unique “rotten eggs” aroma, which is caused by the geothermal activity releasing sulphur compounds into the atmosphere. If you are ever visiting New Zealand – this is a city you must see. It was once home to the famed Pink and White Terraces and you can visit thermal wonderlands with sights that are truly astounding.

5.83-42 ( Greenland )
This is more of a curiosity and not visually impressive, but 83-42 is believed to be the northernmost permanent point of land on earth. It is tiny, only 35m by 15m and 4m high, but is about 400 miles from the north pole. It beat the previous record holder, ATOW1996, when it was discovered in 1998, and lichens were found growing on it, suggesting it was not just one of the temporary gravel bars that are found in that region, which are regularly pushed around by the rough seas. The picture above features what is currently the northernmost point on land, one of the temporary gravel bars, photographed in 2007, as I could find no photos of 83-42 (For some reason, nobody feels the need to produce a photograph of a tiny rock in the middle of nowhere, which only five people have ever stepped foot on).

6.Socotra (Republic of Yemen)
Socotra has been described as one of the most alien-looking place on Earth, and it’s not hard to see why. It is very isolated with a harsh, dry climate and as a result a third of its plant-life is found nowhere else, including the famous Dragon’s Blood Tree, a very-unnatural looking umbrella-shaped tree which produces red sap. There are also a large number of birds, spiders and other animals native to the island, and coral reefs around it which similarly have a large number of endemic (i.e. only found there) species. Socotra is considered the most biodiverse place in the Arabian sea, and is a World Heritage Site.

7.The Great Dune of Pyla (France)
Since Europe has no deserts, you’d think the title of “Europe’s largest sand dune” would go to something that wasn’t particularly impressive. But you’d be wrong. The Great Dune of Pyla is 3km long, 500m wide and 100m high, and for reasons I will probably never understand, it seems to have formed in a forest. The dune is very steep on the side facing the forest and is famous for being a paragliding site. At the top it also provides spectacular views out to sea and over the forest (since the dune is far higher than any of the trees surrounding it). 

8.Meteor Crater ( USA ) 
Meteor Crater is a meteorite impact crater located approximately 43 miles (69 km) east of Flagstaff, near Winslow in the northern Arizona desert of the United States. Because the US Department of the Interior Division of Names commonly recognizes names of natural features derived from the nearest post office, the feature acquired the name of “Meteor Crater” from the nearby post office named Meteor. The crater was created about 50,000 years ago during the Pleistocene epoch when the local climate on the Colorado Plateau was much cooler and damper. At the time, the area was an open grassland dotted with woodlands inhabited by woolly mammoths, giant ground sloths, and camels. It was probably not inhabited by humans; the earliest confirmed record of human habitation in the Americas dates from long after this impact. The object that excavated the crater was a nickel-iron meteorite about 50 meters (54 yards) across, which impacted the plain at a speed of several kilometers per second. 

9.Mount Roraima (Venezuela, Brazil and Guyana) 
Mount Roraima is a pretty remarkable place. It is a tabletop mountain with sheer 400-metre high cliffs on all sides. There is only one ‘easy’ way up, on a natural staircase-like ramp on the Venezuelan side – to get up any other way takes and experienced rock climber. On the top of the mountain it rains almost every day, washing away most of the nutrients for plants to grow and creating a unique landscape on the bare sandstone surface. This also creates some of the highest waterfalls in the world over the sides (Angel falls is located on a similar tabletop mountain some 130 miles away). Though there are only a few marshes on the mountain where vegetation can grow properly, these contain many species unique to the mountain, including a species of carnivorous pitcher plant.

The Door To Hell (Turkmenistan)
The Door to Hell, as local residents at the nearby town of Darvaza have dubbed it, is a 70 meter wide crater in Turkmenistan that has been burning continuously for 35 years. In 1971, geologists drilling for gas deposits uncovered a huge underground cavern, which caused the ground over it to collapse, taking down all their equipment and their camp with it. Since the cavern was filled poisonous gas, they dared not go down to retrieve their equipment, and to prevent the gas escaping they ignited it, hoping it would burn itself out in a couple of days. Unfortunately, there was a slight miscalculation as to the amount of gas that was trapped, and the crater continues to burn to this day.
You can see it on Google Earth at 40°15′8″N 58°26′23″E

Rabu, 04 Januari 2012

Just can LAUGH your BEHAVIOUR (˘ʃƪ˘)

Hey guys ... Today , i will tell about what's exactly happened :) hhe 

First of all , i was ever found cellphone at WARNET  -> [ warnet is the place for the people who wanna play an Internet :) ] I Taken that cellphone without a sense of doubt :) Though , I know  who's owners . and He's come back again and search his cellphone without ask with me :) So , i'm quiet without to slightest talk . This accident has happened for 2 weeks ago . So , i'm the new user of that cellphone . He's never come and He's never ask about his cellphone for 2 weeks ago . 

And Now , His friend came suddenly and asked with me , " Kak Nicko , Are you ever see a cellphone here which left behind  ? " . I answered " No , i'm never find or see cellphone here " . And his friend request to me to see my cellphone " Can i see ur cellphone " .. [ i'm speechless directly ] . I'm hide tha' cellphone always . I don't care . 

And Suddenly , He , His friends bring his Brother [ maybe , i don't know ] And , I'm think directly and take a decision that i won't tell that his cellphone's in me before the owners who ask not his friend who ask . 

OKay , it's a lil thing which happened in this afternoon :) Let's see and wait what's the next happen :)  

Senin, 02 Januari 2012

About My Hobby 'till as My Dream [ It's called as A Singer ]

First of all , i wanna explain or tell about my HOBBY 'till that thing as my DREAM .. yupz , that's called SINGER :) hehe .. i was had that hobby since i was still as younger [ 6 years ] .. i liked singing very much :) i was sung in everytime :) haha .. yeahh though , my voice's still so bad when i was still as young :) But , that's a NATURAL THINGI was always sung a song when my deceased daddy's played a guitar :) ahha .. My Daddy's always laugh just because my bad voice -___- That's not make so down :) 

Sometimes , My daddy's played a spiritual songs which created by My grandpa :) It's called " Tuhan Penuntunku " . That's a good spiritual song that i ever heard :) Hmm ... Sometimes , My daddy's played that song with my cousin :) But , my cousin and daddy were laugh at me -____- 'till my cousin said : " LO NYANYI ATAU APA NICK " -____- hmm .. Because i know that my voice's not good .. So , i followed my school's choir :) 

I was awared if choir's a place where i can learn to set my vocal :) but , you know ? woowwwww i'm as SOPRANO :) that's a high voice :) haha ... i learned a lot of the material's vocal :) hmm i really enjoy tha' :) 

and now , that's been as my dream :) i'm always singing in Married's event :) and now my family's proud of my voice :) #ItDoesn'tMeanThatI'mArrogant :) hehe i learned a lot from my all aunties :) They're really really understand about sing :) and They can sing so well :) and if they're start to sing , i just can say WOW  :) hha 

and now IN THIS MONTH { 2012 } , I'm gonna follow " INDONESIAN IDOL " :) pleaseee support me :) hehe 

Justin Bieber - Mistletoe

It's the most beautiful time of the year,
Lights fill the streets spreading so much cheer,
I should be playing in the winter snow,
But Ima be under the mistletoe.

I don't wanna miss out on the holiday,
But I can't stop staring at your face,
I should be playing in the winter snow,
But Ima be under the mistletoe.

With you, shawty with you
With you, shawty with you,
With you, under the mistletoe

Everyone's gathering around the fire,
Chestnuts roasting like a hot July,
I should be chillin' with my folks, I know,
But Ima be under the mistletoe.

Word on the streets Santa's coming tonight,
Reindeer flying thru the sky so high,
I should be makin' a list i know,
But Ima be under the mistletoe.

With you, shawty with you,
With you, shawty with you,
With you, under the mistletoe,

With you, shawty with you,
With you, shawty with you,
With you, under the mistletoe,

Aye love, the Wise Men follow the star,
The way I follow my heart,
[ From: http://www.metrolyrics.com/mistletoe-lyrics-justin-bieber.html ]
And they led me to a miracle.

Aye love, don't you buy me nothing,
'Cause I am feeling one thing,
Your lips on my lips,
That's a merry merry Christmas.

It's the most beautiful time of the year,
Lights fill the streets spreading so much cheer,
I should be playing in the winter snow,
But Ima be under the mistletoe.

I don't wanna miss out on the holiday,
But I can't stop staring at your face,
I should be playing in the winter snow,
But Ima be under the mistletoe.

With you, shawty with you,
With you, shawty with you,
With you, under the mistletoe
With you, shawty with you,
With you, shawty with you,
With you, under the mistletoe,

Kiss me underneath the mistletoe,
Show me baby that you love me so,
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh.
Kiss me underneath the mistletoe,
Show me baby that you love me so,
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh.

Minggu, 01 Januari 2012

Bad Things From Christmas Day 'till New Year's Day

If i realized from a weeks ago ! Haha i was actually attended to work in Christmas eve . But , i wasn't . But , i was TRUANTED . Hahah [ sorry boss ] haha . Until My Friend's sent a message that " if i don't attend , my boss will cut my salary " hahha #IAbsolutelyDontCare .. Because i believe that i will get a lot of sustenances in Christmas day . So , I don't care about SALARY ! :) hehe 

In December 25th 2011 , i was went to My Grandma's house in Depok . But , previously , i was went to church for sing a x-mas songs wit my luxurious choir :) hehe When i was finished to sing , The rain's came !! -,- I must wait the rain 'till that stop ! When the rain has stopped . I'm go to Depok directly via Train ..

My momma's said that we'll go to menteng .. but , evidently ? That wasn't -___- Why ? Because , we're not had a transportation to there !! 

And FINALLY , we're go to MENTENG :) #Uyeeeeeeeee .. Don't you know ? That we're rent a public transportation to go to Menteng :) hehe .. And finally when we were arrived .. We bought a chocolate breads !! That's actually delicious :) #Hmmmmm i like that :) 

While we wait another family [ bcoz they're in another transportation ] .. we search Chicken Noodle and eat tha' :) and we're finally found :) And after that , i , my  cousin , and my brother go to SEVEL  to meet with my cousin , my sister , and my lil bro :) ahah [ That's my first coming @SEVEL ] :) haha we're taken a lot of photos there . And suddenly , my cousin's suggest me and others to taken a lot of photos again at Menteng's Garden :) and don't you know ? the bad thing's happened !! huh , My cousin's bag's lost !! She's forgot to bring her bag !! We're back and search again again and again !! But , NOTHING'S THE RESULT !! She's cried !! We're actually distrust with someone who sit in the chair where her bag's lost !! But , we don't have an authority to rummage him !! Because , we don't have an evidence to accuse him !! so , we're report to SECURITY !! But , He's answered the same thing of our opinion !!

It's a little story about my accident in Christmas Day :)

The Saddest New Year's Event Again

Yesterday was became the saddest new year's event again . Why ? Because , It's the second times where i don't stay with my momma , my brother , my sister , and my lil brother to celebrated a New Year . I'm not pray with my lil family . I'm actually sad in my heart . But , i will always try to hide it . My Momma should as the first that i said Happy New Year . But , it's not :( It's just because one thing which i can't explain in here . I'm actually miss them :( Miss our togetherness which we're not get it since our daddy's dead . Togetherness's lost casually. They're never aware how much i love them . They just can envy with me just because My all aunty's have a sense of sympathy with me . I know that i'm wrong because i've taken their attention from you to me . I know that i shouldn't do it . But , i don't what must i do . I'm always tell about my problem with them . How about all of you ? Both of you're not have a little time to me .

Let's feedback :) 

In 2011 , i was faced a lot of problems .. !! It's too much . Really really much !~ I'm think in a see one's way that i won't through this all problem without My Deceased Daddy :( 2011 is a year where i and my lil family were got a lot of trial who we can't through :( Although , it's just about our economy . Since my daddy's dead , We can't manage our money 'till that completed casually :( i can say that 2011 is my suffering's year . I Just can laugh and smile for hide my sadness without show my tears . Why must my family who faced this whole problem ? :( I've actually given up !! it's never stop since my father's death. 

But now , i just can hope that in 2012 , i can get a lot of blesses , get a trial slightly , get my dreams , make my momma so proud of me . Closed 2011's books firmly . and Open 2012's books :) 
Hopefully , 2012 will be a years which full with a lot of blesses !! :) 

Okay , it's just my lil story in the beginning of the year :) God bless you all :)